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Dengue in Pakistan (Karachi, Sindh)

21 Feb 2018

The Prevention and Control Program for Dengue in Sindh has reported (via media) up to 22 new dengue fever cases in Karachi from 12 February to 19 February 2018.

In 2018, 143 cases have been reported in Sindh province. Of these, 137 were in Karachi and 6 elsewhere in province.

Advice for Travellers

The best way to avoid infection is to prevent mosquito bites. As the transmitting mosquitoes bite from dawn until dusk, long clothing should be worn and repellents should be used all day.

See also information about Insect Bite Avoidance.

Medical attention must be sought for any feverish illness experienced whilst travelling or on your return home.

There is no vaccine against dengue fever for travellers.

A vaccine for use in people living in dengue affected countries aged between 9 – 45 years has been licenced in Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico and the Phillippines. However, use of the vaccine is now under review due to safety concerns (December 2017).

For further information see Dengue Fever.