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Dengue in the Americas and Caribbean (Update 3)

29 Sep 2017

Dengue remains widespread in the Americas and Caribbean in August 2017. The countries with the highest number of suspected cases (including confirmed) are Brazil (21 9040), Peru (72 274), Nicaragua (45 243), Mexico (37 613) and Colombia (20 391).

Affected countries are displayed below, showing case totals to 22 September 2017.

North America

United States: 133 

Central America & Mexico

Belize: 15 
Costa Rica: 4 254 
El Salvador: 2 902 
Guatemala: 2 280 
Honduras: 4 304 
Mexico: 37 613 
Nicaragua: 45 243 
Panama: 5 152 


Bolivia: 7 910 
Colombia: 20 391 
Ecuador: 10 557 
Peru: 72 274 
Venezuela: 4 929 

Southern Cone

Argentina: 305 
Brazil: 219 040 
Chile: 5 
Paraguay: 1 352 

Hispanic Caribbean

Cuba: 270
Dominican Republic: 865
Puerto Rico: 9

English, French, & Dutch Caribbean

American Virgin Islands: 1 
Anguilla: 18
Antigua & Barbuda: 1 
Aruba: 688 
Bahamas: 4 
Barbados: 192 
British Virgin Islands: 42 
Cayman Islands: 23 
Dominica: 31 
French Guiana: 455 
Grenada: 80 
Guadaloupe: 455 
Guyana: 5 
Jamaica: 70 
Martinique: 72
Saint Barthélemy: 35 
St. Kitts & Nevis: 7
St. Lucia: 14 
St. Martin: 157 
St. Vincent & the Grenadines: 3 
Trinidad & Tobago: 206 
*Turks & Caicos Islands: 157 

*Turks & Caicos Islands figure was published 15 September 2017.

Advice for Travellers

The best way to avoid infection is to prevent mosquito bites.  As the transmitting mosquitoes bite from dawn until dusk, long clothing should be worn and repellents should be used all day.

See also information about Insect Bite Avoidance.

Medical attention must be sought for any feverish illness experienced whilst travelling or on your return home.

There is no vaccine against dengue fever for travellers.

A vaccine for use in people living in dengue affected countries aged between 9 – 45 years is available in Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico and the Phillippines.

For further information see Dengue Fever.